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Managing Fibromyalgia at Any Age: Useful Tips to Remember

By July 12, 2023September 12th, 2023No Comments

Fibromyalgia is a condition that affects your body’s ability to regulate pain, fatigue, and sleeping patterns. Its symptoms can be severe and debilitating, which makes it hard for people with the condition to lead an active life. Studies estimate that 2 to 10 percent of the population in the United States suffer from fibromyalgia. Some are aware they have it, while others remain oblivious until their symptoms take a toll on their daily life.

Thankfully, patients nowadays have several options for relief. One includes going to a fibromyalgia chiropractor in Upland like Dr. Kyle Murray. Patients can also tap into simple lifestyle adjustments to minimize the condition’s impact on their life.

In this article, we’ll let you in on how fibromyalgia affects people per age bracket and the most natural and holistically effective way of managing it.

What Is Fibromyalgia?

As a musculoskeletal and chronic pain disorder, fibromyalgia causes widespread muscle pain and tenderness, fatigue, sleep problems, headaches, and depression. It’s often referred to as fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) because it has symptoms of other related conditions like rheumatoid arthritis (RA), lupus, or multiple sclerosis — even though it’s not one of those diseases.

There isn’t one specific cause for fibromyalgia, but it’s thought to be related to a malfunctioning immune system that affects the brain’s chemistry and how you feel pain. The good news is that care plans are available to help manage your symptoms so you can get back into the world without too much trouble!

Fibromyalgia Known Causes

Studies have long proven that it’s not a disorder of the muscles, bones, or joints. However, the actual cause of fibromyalgia is still uncertain. So far, doctors and researchers have found that fibromyalgia is a disorder of the central nervous system and autonomic nervous system. It can affect all the parts of your body, including the brain, spinal cord, or peripheral nerves – which are like electrical wires that allow messages to get from your brain to your muscles. Fibromyalgia causes abnormal pain processing, making it difficult for you to function normally when you have this condition.

It affects a good amount of the adult population worldwide as it does not discriminate based on anything: age, gender, sexuality, or social status. So if you are feeling anything disturbing that touches on your sudden sensitivity to pain, perhaps it will be best to reach out to a medical professional like a GP or a fibromyalgia chiropractor in Upland or anywhere you may be in the states. The sooner you can receive diagnosis, the better you can manage your symptoms.

Fibromyalgia on Children

The chronic disorder of pain and fatigue affects an estimated 10 percent of the American population, and it can present itself in children as young as five years old. The symptoms are often similar to those experienced by adults with fibromyalgia, such as:

  • muscle aches and stiffness
  • headache and migraine
  • depression

However, unlike adults, it is more difficult for children to understand and be in control of this condition. That is because, as a child, the body is still growing and changing rapidly. Fibromyalgia symptoms may be difficult for you to understand or explain to others. You might feel like something is amiss with your body but not have the words to describe it. Children with fibromyalgia often have trouble sleeping, sitting still, and paying attention in school and may have behavioral problems such as irritability or aggression. These symptoms can be treated with behavioral therapy, which teaches kids relaxation techniques and stress-management skills.

Also, healthcare professionals help patients according to the fibromyalgia diagnosis. Children who have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia tend to experience more severe symptoms than those who haven’t yet received a diagnosis due to the awareness and ready fear of the known pain associated with fibromyalgia. And while it is possible for children to go through life without receiving a diagnosis or help for their symptoms, it is much more likely that those children who got diagnosed correctly can learn how to have better control of their condition growing up, live more prepared, and enjoy more pain-free days!

Fibromyalgia on Teenagers

Life could be extra challenging and isolating for teenagers with fibromyalgia since it’s the time of their lives wherein they ought to socialize and mingle, which is difficult if you are somewhat suddenly extremely sensitive to pain. And it is during these years that the body – both in girls and boys – goes through a lot of physical and chemical changes. It could interfere with their schoolwork and social life because of how the condition makes their body feel.

Teens with fibromyalgia may experience sleep disturbances and depression or anxiety along with their physical symptoms. Despite the pain, teens should be encouraged to participate in sports and other physical activities that help them address and cope with their symptoms and improve their overall health.

Fibromyalgia on Adults

Managing fibromyalgia as an adult can be difficult. It’s likely that work and relationships are affected by your condition because it affects the entire body and can cause problems with sleep, pain, and other symptoms. You may experience flare-ups of your symptoms, making it hard to get through the day. It might seem like you’ve been struggling forever with this chronic condition.

Get Help from a Trusted Fibromyalgia Chiropractor in Upland

If you have fibromyalgia and want to find a way to manage your symptoms, we suggest giving upper cervical chiropractic a try. It can help relieve pain and improve sleep, energy levels, mood, and overall well-being. It can also increase mobility and flexibility as well as strength and endurance.

To proceed, you must seek a trusted fibromyalgia chiropractor in Upland to check if you are a good candidate for neck bone adjustments. Dr. Kyle Murray of Atlas Brain and Spine will help you on this journey and assist you in planning how to better care for your spinal health. Call us today at (909) 982-9100, email, or fill out our contact form to set an appointment and learn more about the status of your spinal health and the many ways we can help you address your condition.